
FINALLY finished this godforsaken page! Next page wont actually be a comic, something for all the people who have been putting up with this shit. :P

8% complete



God damn, I'm sorry about that HUGE break there. Y'see, me and some friends started up a game development company about the day I got back from Albury, and I'm the lone person working on the game demo for AGDC (Australian Game Developers Conference), so it's been crunch time something supreme, only being able to actually work on ZH when I'm waiting for trains to get me from point A to point B.

AGDC is on Friday, so after then things should come back to normal.

I'm also working on a little suprise art for people that actually bothered still checking up on the page during the dryspot... hope you'll like it. :)

Anyways, after a HIDEOUS 14 hour coloring session, page 3 is finally up, enjoy... my nervous system failed for you guys. :)

- PlayfulPuppy



Well, I'm going to Albury ('bout 4 hours and $40 away) until Wednesday... this may be a mixed blessing. I may be more focused on my work without the computer to constantly tempt me, but on the other hand, I'm seeing my girlfriend who I hardly ever get to see and I wont be able to do any coloring either.

Anyways, hopefully I'll have a strip or two for next Thursday. Just a little vote: Would you prefer to wait longer and get whole pages at a time, or get smaller 3-frame strips (Cut-ups of the full-page version) about every 3 days? It may seem a little disjointed because I keep doing wierd things with the frames, tho. Email me your thoughts.

- PlayfulPuppy



We're now up at www.zombiehunter.net ... but make your links point to http://zombiehunter.keenspace.com where you can, because that way you dont get that ugly little bar down the bottom.

Also note my email address is now nicklondon@zombiehunter.net

- PlayfulPuppy


Okay, just so you all know I haven't just made one comic then forgotten about it, I AM working on page 2. :) I've chucked a little 'Progress meter' in so you know the current state of the strip aswell. Next strip should be inked by tommorow, up on Wednesday.

- PlayfulPuppy



Well, it's eventually happened!


It's been a long time coming, but I must say I'm fairly pleased with the results... nice webpage art, easy layout, an Online store with ZombieHunter merchandise... and, of course, the comics! :D

This was never intended to be a daily strip, as you can probably see by the amount of work I've put into them... hell, it's 12 hours in coloring ALONE! This website took 1.5 days to just do the art for! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it. :)

Also, one thing I'd like to bring to your attention... the shop. To the left there's a 'stuff' link... which brings you to the Online Store... please buy something... I need the funds to really help ZombieHunter get off the ground. Currently I'm using a $2 pen on a $5 pad with a $200 scanner that cant even almost do the DPI it's supposed to. :P I really need some proper tools for doing all of this. So buy something from the shop... hell, you may even like it! :D

Also, if you like ZombieHunter, SUPPORT IT! Even if you cant afford anything, tell friends about the site, link from your page, ect. Anything you can do would be highly appreciated. :)

Anyways, enjoy the comics, and I'd love to hear your comments, so please, email me or post on the forums!

- PlayfulPuppy


ZombieHunter, the ZombieHunter logo and all images on this site are © 2001 Nick London, unless stated
otherwise... in which case it's © them. Obviously. Do I have to think of everything? I also wilfully
acknowledge that ZH is 'in the style of' Johnen Vasquez's work, check it out at Slave Labour Graphics.